What is Crossroads School?
Crossroads School is a public preschool, elementary and middle school that is a member of the Union County Educational Services Commission. The program was developed to provide innovative educational and therapeutic services to children between the ages of 3 -14 diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other related developmental disabilities.
What is the Instructional Program?
Crossroads School follows a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum focused on the development of functional academic, communication, sensory integration and social skills.
All academic content is aligned to the Preschool Teaching & Learning Standards and New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Instructional programs are highly individualized for each student using a variety of scientifically-validated materials, including Handwriting Without Tears, TouchMath, Read to Learn and the Edmark Reading Program.
What is Verbal Behavior?
Verbal Behavior is a comprehensive nationally-recognized program, which seeks to expand the functional communication of students with autism through the use of a student-centered language and social skills assessment program. The tool used to execute this assessment is the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program or the VB-MAPP. This program was specifically developed to build on the motivation of each student in an effort to provide more opportunities for natural environment teaching and learning, which is a great complement to our developmental approach.
What Related Services are offered?
Students participate in Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy on an individual and/or small group basis in accordance with their IEP recommendations. Therapy sessions are integrated across a variety of settings to promote generalization and functional application of skills. Clinical support services are provided by a School Nurse, Social Worker, Neuro-Developmental Pediatrician and Behavior Analyst.
What training is provided to faculty members?
All Crossroads School staff members receive extensive and ongoing training and support in effective strategies for educating students on the autism spectrum. Additional scientifically-based training is provided to teachers and related service staff in the areas of skill acquisition and positive behavior supports. Staff certified in training crisis management procedures provide training to 100% of staff working with our students to ensure that de-escalation is a priority and student integrity is at the forefront of any crisis situation. All faculty members also participate in a comprehensive professional development program to remain abreast of updates in their respective fields.
What opportunities exist for Parent Training and Support?
Parental involvement is critical to the success of our students. Family members are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the program to maximize student achievement. We maintain an ongoing dialogue between home and school through progress reports, parent conferences, daily communication books and IEP Meetings. Parents are invited to schedule classroom observations, participate in therapy sessions and attend videoconference consultations conducted by Dr. Paul Callahan, former Assistant Director of the LCDC. Monthly Parent Education Groups facilitated by our School Social Worker provide opportunities for family members to share common experiences and receive information on a variety of relevant topics. Our active Parent Teacher Organization also sponsors special events, guest speakers and provides additional ways to become involved in our learning community.
What is the total enrollment and staff-to-student ratio?
Crossroads School accommodates a total enrollment of sixty-six students. Children are assigned to one of ten classrooms based upon chronological age and functional levels. Each classroom is typically comprised of six students led by a Special Education Teacher and a minimum of two Paraprofessionals.
What is the school calendar?
Crossroads School follows a traditional public school calendar. The school day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. An optional Extended School Year Program is offered to all students for a period of 6 weeks during July and August between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
What is the tuition?
Please click here for the most current tuition rates and fees.
What is the admissions process?
Students are referred to Crossroads School by resident school districts. Educational records are reviewed by a multi-disciplinary admissions committee. Appropriate candidates are invited to participate in an intake appointment along with their Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) and Child Study Team Case Manager. Acceptance is based on our ability to address the cognitive, social/emotional and language needs of students along with the availability of an appropriate classroom placement.
How can I obtain additional information?
For additional information about Crossroads School or to schedule a tour of the school, please contact the principal Christina Cruz at (908) 232-6655 or ccruz@ucesc.org