The Work Readiness Academy
2024 Work Readiness Academy Unsung Hero Ian McCormack
971 Suburban Road Union, New Jersey 07083
Phone: 908-633-2704
Josh Bornstein, Director
Rachel Richer, Supervisor of Instruction
The Work Readiness Academy, located in Union, New Jersey on the campus of the former Holy Spirit School, provides students with a comprehensive employment training experience that incorporates both classroom-based instruction and work-based learning experiences in the community. All students participate in unpaid or paid internships at local community businesses at least three days per week. Program staff remain on-site during the internships to provide and fade support and assistance as needed. While in the training classroom, students work cooperatively with similar aged peers to learn critical skills related to employment, socialization, and financial literacy. Students also engage in career exploration and planning, including the development of a person-centered, post-secondary vision and plan with clear goals and action steps. Students also participate in community trips focused on career discovery, health and wellness, independent living, and independent travel training.
The Work Readiness Academy works with students ages 18 to 21 who have completed all of their high school graduation requirements. Students attending our program have a variety of disabilities which may include, but are not limited to, autism spectrum disorders, communication impairments, cognitive impairments, and physical or medical impairments. Students sometimes have multiple disabilities. All students need support in developing critical skills for future employment. Some students may want to explore continued post-secondary education or training.
Students typically attend our program for 1-2 years, depending on their age and transition-related goals in their IEP. Some students will be recommended to apply for our Project SEARCH program based inside Overlook Medical Center in Summit, New Jersey.
For more information or to set up a tour, please contact Josh Bornstein, Director at or call (908) 633-2704.
Director's Message
Mr. Josh Bornstein, Director
Since 2013 we have been working to expand and improve our transition services including the development of a comprehensive employment preparation program for students with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 21 here in Union County. That mission has now been realized in the form of the Work Readiness Academy and Project SEARCH programs.
Follow Us:
HIB Information
NJDOE Guidance for Parents on Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Will Graulich, Director
45 Cardinal Drive Westfield, NJ 07090
908-233-9317 x1026
Work Readiness Academy
Anti-Bullying Specialist
Rachel Richer
Supervisor of Instruction
970 Surburban Road
Union, NJ 07073