The Work Readiness Academy's Curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Career Readiness, Life Literacies and Key Skills. In this increasingly diverse and complex world, our students must possess the employability skills necessary to seek, secure, and maintain a job, while also effectively communicating and collaborating with others and managers. Our program provides the framework for students to learn the concepts, skills, and practices essential to the successful navigation of career exploration and preparation, personal finances and digital literacy.
Our program also builds in time for students to work on developing appropriate social skills and other important independent living skills such as time management, self-care, cooking, functional money skills, fitness and wellness and independent travel training.
Digital Literacy is also an important component of the program. Students use Chromebooks on a daily basis and learn how to use Gmail and a variety of other Google Cloud Suite Applications. They also learn how to safely and appropriately navigate the internet while also maintaining online privacy.